Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wedding Season

The past 4 weeks of my life have been ruled by weddings. Wedding Weekend #1: Brittany and Andy's wedding...(pic is actually from one of Brit's wedding showers that was Breakfast at Tiffany's themed).

Wedding Weekend #2: Mary E's bachelorette party.

Wedding Weekend #3: Mary E and Blake's wedding.

Wedding Weekend #4: My two favorites lovers from Houston came to the DFW for Beech's wedding.

I love me some weddings. There is nothing better than a huge fabulous party with lots of crazy dancing, incredible food, and unbeatable friends; however, I found myself wishing during these past 4 weekends that people would spread these things out! I was exhausted. I was so looking forward to my first no-plans weekend in a month, and what did I decide to do with all of this free time? Let me tell you. I went with Erin and Leah to see none other than the greatest 70's cover band in the world, Le Freak. Think of every single song that you typically dance to at weddings, and now picture 4 guys dressed in spandex/sequined bodysuits and afros singing and dancing to these songs on stage.

Maybe I wasn't quite as tired of weddings as I thought... As soon as I learned that Le Freak was in town I was ready to hop back on the train and shake my groove thang once more. Peace out.

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